Hey guys.
So I’ve decided to grow my hair.Verrrry long.Infact,I won’t cut it for the next six months.
At least Ill try to. You see, ive never really kept very long hair, and till last year, I generally had a crew cut most of the time. But now I want big hair.
Like this.
Well, that’s not strictly hair, but it’s not strictly beard either is it.
Moving on to more important issues.
So I was watching a nigahiga video-the being gangsta one I think-when I stumbled upon ….the intro song for swat kats. OMG,I was so overcome by nostalgia,good,sweet,damning nostalgia,that I watched EVERY INTRO OF EVERY FUCKING CARTOON EVER FUCKING MADE.
Even dragon ball .
Which is technically not a cartoon-it’s an anime-with the Wayne static hair and the never ending fight sequences.But you get it.
JLT, My favorite was the ‘94 Spiderman song. Groovy and dark.
Random facts of the day-
-You’ve gotta listen to this song called the curse of curves by Cute is what we aim for.
That’s a fact.
-You can send me to the remotest corner of the Amizones,You can throw me into the worst riots ever, You can lock me up in a chamber with four hundred thousand …I dunno,shark eating potato beans. That aint got shit on what I do daily. I travel in the Delhi Metro.
But don’t EVER put a guy in the women’s compartment. Apocalypse is a flavor of cotton candy compared to that.
-I fucking HATE the red and green lines whenever i type something in word. I don’t care if I align my comma a little too close to the next word,word. Can you turn them off btw?
-Check this out-if you haven’t yet-
# Go to Google Translate
# Type in "Will Justin Bieber ever hit puberty".
# Type in "Will Justin Bieber ever hit puberty".
# English to Vietnamese.
# Copy & paste the Vietnamese words.
# Vietnamese to English.
# Copy & paste the Vietnamese words.
# Vietnamese to English.